StreetBuzzZ provides an efficiently effective implementation strategy that incorporates transparency and accountability into each and every aspect of our artist launch campaigns.


Digital streams and sales are definitely the current key factors in determining the success or failure of an artist launch campaign with the main format showing explosive growth being the Digital Single. It is virtually impossible to sell an album (except to existing fans) without a “hit” single. Our recommend approach is that we focus solely on the launch and promotion of a single initially - this will;

1.) Speed-up your market entry

2.) Optimize and maximize your online/digital platform with its appropriate accompanying strategy

3.) Provide for a more cost effective launch

Instead of front loading for an album/EP release you can do a more targeted release with a single - as you know major market radio promotion is quite expensive, so you want to make sure that your single has legs before we go all out for it.



    •  Comprehensive artist & label analysis

    •  Development of strategic marketing, promotional and retail sales campaigns

    •  One-stop "umbrella" services - ie. production, design,  manufacturing, marketing, promotion, publicity            interactive  technology, and distribution

    •  Extensive entertainment industry contacts

    •  Dynamic network of strategic partnerships and alliances

    •  Personalized guidance on how to best achieve campaign  benchmarks

    •  Effective, proactive leadership

    •  Efficient project management, budget application and team building


Goals and Objectives


    •  Build Dynamic Network Alliances

    •  Creat Name Recognition-Branding

    •  Establish Marketplace Sell-through

    •  Establish Career Leverage Points

    •  Proactive Plan for Career Longevity




    •  Devise a Strategy - Create a Campaign

    •  Build a Team - Lay a Firm Foundation

    •  Developed specific  market entry strategy 

   •  Submit songs to our "tastemaker panel" to validate the first  single

    •  Set-up digital and/or traditional distribution                     

    •  Retain appropriate market radio promotion specialist

    •  Develop on-going strategy for Phase 2      




    •  Devise a Strategy - Create a Campaign

    •  Build a Team - Lay a Firm Foundation

    •  Developed specific  market entry strategy

    •  Submit songs to our "tastemaker panel" to validate the first  single

    •  Retain appropriate market radio promotion specialist

    •  Set-up digital and/or traditional distribution

    •  Develop on-going strategy for Phase 2



    •  Promotion
    •  Major Market Radio Promotion
    •  Help Develop Tour Dates
    •  Help to Develop, Implement + Manage a customized social media campaign
    •  Promote music video and promote single to radio
    •  Step up publicity efforts and augment with advertising  campaign
    •  Deploy multi-faceted branding campaign

StreetBuzzZ Expertise Phase 3:

    •  The third stage of campaign  focus on generating product Sales & Streams
    •  Target the markets that have generated the most buzzZ for  the artist (ie. airplay, publicity, tour)
    •  Run Print, Web & Radio advertising based on market  analysis & availability



    •  Will work in direct conjunction with your label to maximize all opportunities to increase sales ,

        exposure and promotion of their artists.
    •  Will quarterback the campaign and will assume the reasonable rights of both label and artist

        co-operation in our efforts to execute our agenda.
    •  Guarantees that all work outlined will be executed. Omni however cannot guarantee any sales

        figures as this is always subject to consumer acceptance and demand.

Here's what StreetBuzzZ Video Promo would be bringing to this promotional campaign:  


    •  Crafting a custom tailored marketing plan with an appropriate servicing list

    •  Writing the “Artist” signature story (one sheet/pitch/press release)

    •  Quality Control, Closed Captioning and Digital Delivery of the music videos (Official music video

        and the Performance edit) to approximately 260 outlets

    •  Securing an exclusive online world premiere for the music video

    •  Disseminating a "music video embed" press release the day the campaign launches

    •  Pitching to secure Terrestrial television placements

    •  Pitching to secure Music video exposure in retail locations, nightlife venues, restaurants,

       shopping malls, fitness centers, etc.

    •  Pitching to secure placements on Video On Demand outlets (Music Choice, Havoc TV, MTV Pluto)

    •  Pitching to secure OTT placements (video delivered by the Internet), both on television and streaming

        (Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, etc.)

    •  Pitching to YouTube playlist curators to secure more YouTube views for the music video

    •  Online Advanced PR -  Pitching to secure Website & blog features showcasing the music video,

        interviews, Q and A's and numerous online placements

    •  Custom Social Media Optimization Guide, outlining the specific enhancements we suggest for artists

        YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts

    •  Social Media Optimization consultation phone call with myself and our Director of Social Media


    •  Social Media Coaching and advisement through the campaign

    •  Tangible tools and strategies to help you organically grow the Artists following and increase

        engagement with authentic fans on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

    •  Improving the Artists Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    •  Bi-weekly music video programming and online placement reports

    •  Real time pitch reporting

    •  Weekly Consultation and Conference Calls


The most important asset these days for any independent artist is increased awareness. Once we secure an exclusive online world premiere, not only would we be exposing the video on the many websites and blogs that we'd be pitching to, but also to the dozens of terrestrial television channels, retail pools and

on-demand programming outlets (whether it be in the United States, Canada or Europe) that we have long standing relationships with. This "one-two punch" approach is very helpful to your overall marketing plan to increase exposure and it will help you dramatically in securing the maximum number of viewers possible for the video. We also pitch to numerous international OTT channels (television delivered via the Internet) currently found on platforms such as Apple TV, Roku, Sling, Amazon Fire, and Google Chromecast, as well as some other built in programs like certain Smart TVs.

There's a lot of up front attention to detail involved in a successful music video marketing campaign (closed captioning, digital delivery, correct labeling, DMDS (Digital Music Delivery Service), submission forms, etc.), but rest assured that we will take all the necessary precautions to assure you that the music video arrives to all of our programming outlets and online partners ready for immediate programming.

Here's the full international music video promotion proposal for you to check out. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions or concerns at all.



At StreetBuzzZ, we are fearless when it comes to promoting cliche-defying artists outside the mainstream, while always remaining highly selective in the projects we promote. Our constant goal is to supply our programmers and internet partners with the videos their viewers really want to see.


We are a full service music video promotion company with over twenty years of experience and over 3600 music videos promoted. We've worked extensively with major labels (Universal, Atlantic, Sony) and labels with major distribution (4AD, Matador, PIAS, Lost Highway, Tommy Boy), but we are also integral in helping smaller labels like Slip N Slide, Enhanced, Saddle Creek, Merge, Cinematic, Protocol, Sub Pop, Matador, Polyvinyl, Beggars and Side One Dummy get the word out about their artists and videos. We specialize in helping many independent artists with no label affiliation at all.


StreetBuzzZ Video Promo will promote the music video to select national outlets and regional video shows, retail video pools (outlets that provide in-store music video programming to retailers, fitness centers, shopping malls, nightlife locations etc), video-on-demand providers (MTV Pluto, Havoc TV, Music Choice), mobile phones and tablets, nightclubs and numerous high profile Internet outlets and popular blogs.


Since StreetBuzzZ Video Promo has been on the music video playing field for over twenty years, we know the programmers personally and have enough experience to steer clear of the pitfalls they're used to experiencing, like receiving videos that are not broadcast quality or internet ready. We provide professional digital delivery of the video in all the required formats and file sizes for all the various outlets, each with a complete and accurate slate, closed captioning, proper completion of required submission forms, and we always adhere to a keen, unflappable attention to detail throughout the entire preparation process.


Another potential pitfall is a programmer receiving a music video with little or no further information to help in facilitating their programming decision. StreetBuzzZ super-sizes every video campaign with a professional, originally written video promotion one sheet (Artists signature story) that accompanies each video pitch and is featured on our website and social media. (To see examples of our well written video promotion one sheets, click on any artist among the "Our Clients" section on our website.) This is where we, as your video promoter, present the case of this video is worthy of the programmer and online partner's attention.


We don't neglect the personal touch, either. We maintain very friendly relations with all the important point people at the national outlets and high profile internet outlets, but never take for granted the many video programmers and programming opportunities in all the remote corners of the music video community, including numerous secondary and tertiary markets throughout the country. We pitch the video to many smaller, curated websites and blogs and also set up video interviews and on-air performances via the internet, as well as exposure opportunities in the markets you travel through or visit.